Friday, September 2, 2011

We've Moved!

Hi all! So Raidel took a call to Chandler CRC in Chandler, MN. We relocated last week and have been doing our best to settle in to our new surroundings. Chandler has been very welcoming and we have enjoyed our first week here for sure. We are waiting to get internet at the house yet and so I'll have to wait to post pictures till then.

Baby is loving being here too. She has been sleeping 12 to 14 hours a night and then taking a 3 hour nap in the afternoon. She has been so happy and healthy!

I'll have to post more later, and hopefully with pictures. Can't wait to get internet at the house! ;)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Update - (I've got to get better at this...)

So I've got to get better at this! :)

Raidel preached this past Sunday at the Grandville/Jenison Congregational Church. There were a few microphone issues, but the sermon was wonderful! We were delighted to have one of our neighbors come to hear the sermon as well. Big thanks to the Grandville/Jenison Congregational Church for having us. This church is also where my father most recently took a call. He will now be their lead pastor and preach every Sunday. If you're in need of a good sermon, or just want to hear my old man preach, feel free to come by! Service starts at 10:30am.

The search for employment continues. Raidel is keeping his options open. We are committed to whatever the Lord calls us to...and now just hoping that he'll make that clear to us. Prayers are coveted!

Celia is growing so fast! She is developing her own little personality now and it's awesome! She's so happy (most of the time); however, does not allow her parents to sleep! :( Maybe by the time she's 10 we'll get a full nights rest. We have a doctor's visit coming up at the end of this week, so we'll update you about her health after. She is getting so tall, I'm interested to hear her percentile!

Raidel's mom, Asela, is planning a trip to Cuba at the end of July. She is very excited to see family, and we are excited for her as well. Right now we are busy packing and making sure we are getting the necessities to fill up some suitcases! We hope one day soon we will be able to visit as well. For now, we are sending our love and a bunch of other stuff! :)

That's it for now! Keep in touch!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Time for an update...

Hello all...well, not much has happened since I last updated our blog. Raidel is still finishing up school. He has a couple classes next week and then a few big, BIG, papers to finish and will be all done. Again, if interested, he graduates May 21, at 11am (
Please feel free to attend - no ticket needed!

No word on a job position for him yet, but we are hopeful and know something will come along. We are praying for guidance.

Work is busy, busy, busy for me, but I'm loving it.

Baby girl is doing wonderful as well. She is so anxious to start moving around on her own. She wiggles a lot when we hold her. She tries to pull herself up on the side of the couch. If we help her, she will stand there for a minute on her own and even try to make her way on her own. She needs to gain the concept of cause and effect though as she still will push herself backward for you to catch her. We are so blessed!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Closer and closer...

We are getting so close to the end of Raidel's school year. Only a month left. Raidel has a few big papers to write yet and some presentations as well. Even so, it's hard not to fill with excitement after 8 long years of studying. It is also becoming more and more real to us as we begin to discuss the future. We do not have any definite plans right now, but we are praying and open to God's leading. Raidel has heard about a few different options and has applied to a few places as well. We will keep you updated as we hear more.

His last day of class is May 11. Birthday is May 14. Exam week is May 16-20. GRADUATION is May 21!!

Celia is doing great and growing SO FAST! She had her six month check up today. Her ear infection has cleared up and she is back to being her healthy self. She weighed in at 21 pounds 4 ounces. I will try to remember to post some updated photos for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bloggin' again!

Hello friends and family! I have decided to start updating our blog again. There are so many of you who have wanted updates or were wondering why we stopped writing on our blog. We are entering a new stage in life and are excited to share.

Raidel is due to graduate in May. We are both excited and looking forward to this, especially because our whole dating/married life we have both been in school. It will be an exciting transition! We do not currently have any sound leads on a position for Raidel after graduation. We are open to hearing what is out there and if you have any ideas, feel free to pass them along.

Celia is doing well and growing fast. She is almost 6 months now! Wow how time flies! She is happy and healthy, but successfully keeps her parents up all night. I'm pretty sure we have tried every tactic there is to no avail. Prayer for her to have restful sleep is coveted.

My goal is to update this once every two weeks. Those who actually read can hold me accountable to that! :) Take care and keep in touch!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Time Flies!

Hello to all our wonderful friends and family!

So I've done a horrible job this month of keeping you all updated on what has been happening in our lives. Hopefully I can rectify this with a nice long blog post! j/k...don't want to bore you!

On August 15, Raidel preached his last sermon at El Buen Samaritano. It went wonderful and he received many positive comments; some even said it was his best sermon yet. Last week and this week we have been visiting with family, which we hadn't had the chance to do much of all summer. Monday to Tuesday we took a mini vacation for ourselves. We have been running so much since we got here we took some time to spend with each other, and to relax! We both got burned from hanging out on the beach...but it was well worth it!

This Sunday, Raidel will be preaching at another Hispanic CRC called Buenas Nuevas (Good News). So a lot of this past week he has been preparing for that. We also, both, have been diligently working on the four workshops we are facilitating at a youth retreat over Labor Day weekend. The youth retreat is hosted by Buenas Nuevas as well. We will be talking to a group of youth ranging from 11 years old to over 20 years old; we will be discussing identity - personal identity in Christ, identity in church, and identity in the world.

On Monday, Sept. 6 we will take off for Orlando where we will be staying the night with one of Raidel's aunts. Then on Sept. 7 we are planning to start the drive back to Michigan. We may take one or two days to get there.

We are super excited to see everyone again. I just said to Raidel today "I think I'm ready to go back home" which he replied "me too". We have enjoyed Miami very much this summer and have met some wonderful people. We are thankful to all who have hosted us and accepted us as friends this summer. And a big thanks to all the readers of this blog! I know I haven't done a great job on keeping it up...but now we are almost home and can tell you the stories in person! :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Winding Down: Our Last Month

Sorry that updates have been slacking over the lasts few weeks. A lot has happened and I’m excited to share with you.

From July 22 to July 28 my mom and nephew, Zack, were able to fly down to Florida for a visit. We had a great time, even though it was blistering hot! We did a lot of fun stuff like go to the Miami Seaquarium, the Miami Science Museum, we picked mangos and of course went to the beach! It was so wonderful to be around family again!! It was so hard to see them go…but knowing that we’ll be back home in a month helped.

Zack with all the mango's he helped pick!

Raidel, Marcy, Mom, and Zack on South Beach, FL.

That’s right! Can you believe it! We only have one month left! It still feels like we just got here. Raidel preached the last two Sunday’s and only has one more sermon to deliver. He will be preaching on the last day of his internship, August 15. It is bitter sweet to think about because we have very much enjoyed being a part of The Good Samaritan church this summer. The church is filled with beautiful people with a heart to serve God.

Our next coming adventure starts on Monday. Raidel and I are leading VBS (Vacation Bible School) for 11 to 14 year olds. I hope all goes well as we teach the Bible lessons and that the kids are receptive and have a great time!

After Raidel finishes his internship, on August 15, we plan to stay in Miami for a few weeks to visit with family. The internship has taken a lot of Raidel’s time and we haven’t been able to see his family as often as we would have liked. And since we don’t get down to Miami very often, we want to take advantage of the time we have before baby comes and school starts again!

Then, on September 6, Raidel (and I) are leading a youth retreat for another church here in Miami called The Good News. Please pray for us as we prepare four 45 minute workshops for youth ranging from 11 to 20 something years old. We are excited to meet with these youth because many of them come from Raidel’s home town in Jagüey Grande, Cuba.

Finally, we will be making our trek home. We are planning on leaving the 7th and want to arrive home on the 9th if possible. We look forward to seeing everyone upon our return.

Well! Keep me updated on how your summer is going?! We love the emails and phone calls we get…helps us stay connected.